The 10 Best Jobs For People In Their 20s
The first decade of adulthood can be a confusing, if also very exciting time. As young people determine who they're going to be, one of the top concerns on everybody's mind is finding a job that will make them happy.
That's why Glassdoor set out to determine the 10 best jobs for people in their 20s.
To compile the list, Glassdoor looked at job reviews left on its site by employees between the ages of 20 and 29 over the past three years. In each of the reviews, employees rated their job satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied.
Skye Gould/Business Insider
Twenty-somethings gave marketing manager an average satisfaction rating of 4.0, making it the top job for young professionals. Glassdoor community expert Scott Dobroski says its appeal lies in the way it gives young people the best of both worlds: a clear, defined career path alongside the opportunity to be creative in a collaborative environment.
Young people also reported great satisfaction working as software or mechanical engineers, jobs where Dobroski says people can build things and learn from more experienced coworkers.
"Everyone here is very helpful and respectful," a Lockheed Martin mechanical engineer reports. "They are all willing to make sure you know what it is you need to do."
But a long-term career path isn't the only thing that can make you happy in your 20s. Non-white collar jobs like barista, bartender, and life guard also cracked the top 10 for their flexible work schedules and pleasant social atmospheres.
"What this variety shows is that job satisfaction can vary depending on the individual," Dobroski says. "It's interesting to see the range of jobs highest rated among people in their 20s, including several reflective of a more traditional career path to others more reminiscent of the flexible social atmosphere that being in college can bring."
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